
Speaking Out About School and Learning was published by the Commissioner for Children and Young People of Western Australia in January 2018. The purpose of this report was to gather children and young people's views on what factors influence their engagement. It recognised that engagement with learning is critical to improving educational outcomes for all students. Families who are involved and interested were identified as one of the primary factors influencing student engagement.

Speaking Out About School and Learning: The views of WA children and young people on factors that support their engagement in school and learning


The Commissioner for Children and Young People asked WA students about ways that their parents and carers could help them when it comes to school. This is a summary of what they had to say.

CCYP how-can-you-help-your-child-to-be-engaged-in-school-and-learning-top-tips-for parents, carers & family


The Commissioner for Children and Young People has produced an information sheet that describes three main things you can do to help keep children safe wherever they are. There is also a checklist of nine domains for child safe organisations to review their approach to child safe environments. Check this against the CEWA Child Safe Framework and see how your school is doing.

CCYP Child Safe Organisations for parents


Dr Tim Moore, a Senior Research Fellow with the Institute of Child Protection Studies at Australian Catholic University, reviewed children's perceptions of safety from the Children’s Safety Study. This paper provides practical guidance based on what children and young people have said themselves, as well as observations about how this might be put into practice. Also included in this paper is a description of some tools successfully used to talk to children and young people about their safety, and some ways that adults and institutions can respond.

Protection through participation: involving children in child-safe organisations