Voice of the Child

Child Safety Icons-2

Recognising each child and young person’s right to be heard and to have a voice in all decisions affecting them


Action Areas Indicators
  1. Safety matters affecting children and young adults are heard and understood from the child or young adult’s perspective
  2. Children and young adults, particularly those who have experienced neglect or abuse, are offered information on their rights as well as support to understand what constitutes healthy and respectful relationships with peers, family and staff
  3. CEWA actively encourages schools to provide ways in which children and young adults can raise their concerns and worries
  4. The safety of the child or young adult is always the priority in decision-making
  5. Self-esteem and confidence of children and young adults is supported with training to foster self-assertiveness
  1. Children and young adults participate in designing, implementing and assessing programs
  2. Concerns and worries raised by children and young adults are taken seriously, and their needs and ideas are carefully considered
  3. Children and young adults are aware there are policies and processes in place to support them
  4. Protective behaviours curricula are taught and integrated
  5. The policy and procedures for raising concerns are child friendly, accessible and clearly outline the roles and responsibilities of leadership, staff and volunteers, approaches to dealing with different types of concerns, complaints, breaches of relevant policies or the Code of Conduct, and obligations to act and report